TLS was last updated
on June 12, 2024.

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Team Scouting Report
(As Of 06/10/2024)
Section - New England
Area - New Hampshire
League - 2024 NH Adult 18 & Over Women Day
Flight - 4.0 Women 1 7
League Record: 3 - 3
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Amanda Hayes - 3.82
Barbara Rawlsky Willett - 3.80
Sonya Workman - 3.74
Pamela Halsey - 3.72
Ann Norman-Sydow - 3.68
Patricia Clauss - 3.67
Kelly Renner - 3.54
Rachel Xavier - 3.48
Pamela Brown - 3.48
N Joan Murray - 3.48
Jennifer Kelley - 3.42
Betsy Chapin - 3.36
Martha Oberstein - 3.35
Alicia Keigwin - 3.32
Paula DonovanOlsen - 3.09
Roberta Moore - n/a
Pamela Mannion - n/a
League Results By Position
1S 1D 2D 3D
Paula DonovanOlsen - 3.09 & N Joan Murray - 3.48 0 - 1
Patricia Clauss - 3.67 & Betsy Chapin - 3.36 0 - 1
Patricia Clauss - 3.67 & Sonya Workman - 3.74 1 - 0 1 - 1
Patricia Clauss - 3.67 & Rachel Xavier - 3.48 1 - 1
Patricia Clauss - 3.67 & Pamela Halsey - 3.72 1 - 0
Pamela Brown - 3.48 & Pamela Mannion - n/a 0 - 1
Pamela Brown - 3.48 & Roberta Moore - n/a 0 - 1
Pamela Brown - 3.48 & Pamela Halsey - 3.72 2 - 0
N Joan Murray - 3.48 & Rachel Xavier - 3.48 0 - 1
Barbara Rawlsky Willett - 3.80 & N Joan Murray - 3.48 1 - 0 2 - 0
Barbara Rawlsky Willett - 3.80 & Sonya Workman - 3.74 0 - 2
Barbara Rawlsky Willett - 3.80 & Alicia Keigwin - 3.32 1 - 0
Barbara Rawlsky Willett - 3.80 & Pamela Halsey - 3.72 1 - 0
Betsy Chapin - 3.36 & Alicia Keigwin - 3.32 0 - 1
Sonya Workman - 3.74 & Amanda Hayes - 3.82 3 - 1
Jennifer Kelley - 3.42 0 - 1
Alicia Keigwin - 3.32 & Rachel Xavier - 3.48 0 - 1
Alicia Keigwin - 3.32 0 - 1
Rachel Xavier - 3.48 & Amanda Hayes - 3.82 1 - 2 1 - 0
Ann Norman-Sydow - 3.68 6 - 4
Roberta Moore - n/a & Sonya Workman - 3.74 0 - 1
Kelly Renner - 3.54 & N Joan Murray - 3.48 0 - 1
Kelly Renner - 3.54 & Martha Oberstein - 3.35 1 - 1
Pamela Halsey - 3.72 & Martha Oberstein - 3.35 0 - 1
Pamela Halsey - 3.72 & Rachel Xavier - 3.48 0 - 1
League Record: 3 - 5
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Jessica DeSimone - 4.07
Joan Weir - 3.95
Kathryn Robbins - 3.89
Melissa Smith - 3.81
Cynthia Bensen - 3.78
ashley clapp - 3.71
Janet Simmons - 3.61
Susan Zak - 3.59
Julia Healy - 3.58
Susannah Psomas - 3.57
Karen Seltzer - 3.57
Liz Gray - 3.51
Debra Williamson - 3.48
Kimbel Biele - 3.46
Ali Ashare - 3.37
Kim Putnam - 3.35
Deborah Shannon - 3.34
Amanda Ratliff - n/a
League Results By Position
1S 1D 2D 3D
Debra Williamson - 3.48 & Susannah Psomas - 3.57 0 - 1
Debra Williamson - 3.48 & Kim Putnam - 3.35 0 - 1
Debra Williamson - 3.48 & Kathryn Robbins - 3.89 1 - 0
Debra Williamson - 3.48 & Jessica DeSimone - 4.07 1 - 0
Debra Williamson - 3.48 & ashley clapp - 3.71 0 - 2
Debra Williamson - 3.48 & Joan Weir - 3.95 0 - 2 1 - 0
Ali Ashare - 3.37 & Liz Gray - 3.51 0 - 1
Ali Ashare - 3.37 & Cynthia Bensen - 3.78 1 - 1
Ali Ashare - 3.37 & ashley clapp - 3.71 0 - 1
Ali Ashare - 3.37 & Susan Zak - 3.59 0 - 1
Ali Ashare - 3.37 & Amanda Ratliff - n/a 0 - 1
Deborah Shannon - 3.34 & Kim Putnam - 3.35 0 - 1
Deborah Shannon - 3.34 & Kimbel Biele - 3.46 0 - 1
Susannah Psomas - 3.57 & Kathryn Robbins - 3.89 0 - 1
Kim Putnam - 3.35 & Liz Gray - 3.51 0 - 1
Kim Putnam - 3.35 & Melissa Smith - 3.81 1 - 0
Karen Seltzer - 3.57 & Kimbel Biele - 3.46 1 - 2
Karen Seltzer - 3.57 & Janet Simmons - 3.61 0 - 1
Liz Gray - 3.51 & Kathryn Robbins - 3.89 1 - 0
Liz Gray - 3.51 & ashley clapp - 3.71 1 - 0
Cynthia Bensen - 3.78 & Susan Zak - 3.59 1 - 0
Kathryn Robbins - 3.89 3 - 0
Melissa Smith - 3.81 & Janet Simmons - 3.61 1 - 0
Melissa Smith - 3.81 3 - 1
Janet Simmons - 3.61 & Julia Healy - 3.58 1 - 0
Janet Simmons - 3.61 0 - 1
Jessica DeSimone - 4.07 & ashley clapp - 3.71 1 - 0 1 - 0
ashley clapp - 3.71 & Julia Healy - 3.58 0 - 1
Julia Healy - 3.58 2 - 2
Susan Zak - 3.59 & Amanda Ratliff - n/a 0 - 1
Joan Weir - 3.95 & Liz Gray - 3.51 0 - 1 1 - 0
League Record: 7 - 2
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Jennifer girasole - 4.24
Jaclyn Race - 4.23
Julie Neverman - 3.82
Christiana Munroe - 3.80
Beth Kreick - 3.77
Heather Hersey - 3.74
Lisa Senora Linder - 3.70
Kerry Omeara - 3.68
Jackeline Olney - 3.68
Hillary Maye - 3.67
Lisa Foley - 3.66
Kelly Burnett - 3.66
Michelle Braasch - 3.63
Allison Michaud - 3.63
Jodine Taylor - 3.62
Martha Benson - 3.61
Lisa Caulton - 3.60
Elizabeth Frost - 3.55
Jessica Ackerman - 3.43
League Results By Position
1S 1D 2D 3D
Jodine Taylor - 3.62 & Beth Kreick - 3.77 0 - 1
Jodine Taylor - 3.62 & Hillary Maye - 3.67 0 - 1
Jodine Taylor - 3.62 & Jackeline Olney - 3.68 2 - 0
Jodine Taylor - 3.62 & Julie Neverman - 3.82 0 - 1
Beth Kreick - 3.77 & Lisa Senora Linder - 3.70 2 - 0
Beth Kreick - 3.77 & Hillary Maye - 3.67 1 - 0
Beth Kreick - 3.77 1 - 0
Lisa Senora Linder - 3.70 & Lisa Foley - 3.66 1 - 0
Lisa Foley - 3.66 & Christiana Munroe - 3.80 1 - 0
Lisa Foley - 3.66 & Hillary Maye - 3.67 1 - 1
Lisa Foley - 3.66 & Jackeline Olney - 3.68 1 - 0
Allison Michaud - 3.63 & Elizabeth Frost - 3.55 1 - 0
Allison Michaud - 3.63 & Kerry Omeara - 3.68 1 - 0
Allison Michaud - 3.63 & Heather Hersey - 3.74 0 - 1
Allison Michaud - 3.63 & Jennifer girasole - 4.24 1 - 0
Lisa Caulton - 3.60 & Kerry Omeara - 3.68 1 - 0
Lisa Caulton - 3.60 1 - 0
Kerry Omeara - 3.68 & Kelly Burnett - 3.66 1 - 0
Kerry Omeara - 3.68 & Heather Hersey - 3.74 0 - 1
Christiana Munroe - 3.80 & Jaclyn Race - 4.23 1 - 0
Michelle Braasch - 3.63 & Hillary Maye - 3.67 0 - 1 2 - 0
Michelle Braasch - 3.63 & Heather Hersey - 3.74 2 - 0
Michelle Braasch - 3.63 0 - 1
Hillary Maye - 3.67 & Jaclyn Race - 4.23 1 - 0
Jaclyn Race - 4.23 & Jennifer girasole - 4.24 1 - 0
Jessica Ackerman - 3.43 0 - 3
Kelly Burnett - 3.66 0 - 3
Heather Hersey - 3.74 & Jackeline Olney - 3.68 1 - 0
Julie Neverman - 3.82 & Lisa Senora Linder - 3.70 1 - 0
Julie Neverman - 3.82 1 - 0
Martha Benson - 3.61 & Lisa Caulton - 3.60 2 - 0
Martha Benson - 3.61 & Elizabeth Frost - 3.55 0 - 1
Martha Benson - 3.61 & Kerry Omeara - 3.68 0 - 1
Martha Benson - 3.61 & Jennifer girasole - 4.24 1 - 0
League Record: 3 - 2
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Margot Bloom - 3.84
Julie Salaun - 3.81
Xue Chong - 3.72
Catherine Sherman - 3.72
Lori Ripa - 3.70
Lynne Corson - 3.68
Kristen Caseley - 3.66
Karin Conroy - 3.66
Cindy Driscoll - 3.66
Kathryn Soderberg - 3.61
Joanne Schwope - 3.58
Dana Foster - 3.48
Sayre Malone - 3.42
Tannye Wold - 3.40
League Results By Position
1S 1D 2D 3D
Margot Bloom - 3.84 & Julie Salaun - 3.81 0 - 1
Margot Bloom - 3.84 & Karin Conroy - 3.66 1 - 0
Dana Foster - 3.48 & Catherine Sherman - 3.72 1 - 1
Tannye Wold - 3.40 & Julie Salaun - 3.81 0 - 1
Tannye Wold - 3.40 & Kristen Caseley - 3.66 1 - 0
Tannye Wold - 3.40 & Xue Chong - 3.72 0 - 1
Tannye Wold - 3.40 & Catherine Sherman - 3.72 1 - 0
Julie Salaun - 3.81 & Joanne Schwope - 3.58 1 - 1
Julie Salaun - 3.81 & Lynne Corson - 3.68 1 - 1
Julie Salaun - 3.81 & Kristen Caseley - 3.66 2 - 0 1 - 0
Lori Ripa - 3.70 & Joanne Schwope - 3.58 0 - 1 0 - 1
Lori Ripa - 3.70 & Lynne Corson - 3.68 1 - 0
Lori Ripa - 3.70 & Sayre Malone - 3.42 1 - 0
Lori Ripa - 3.70 & Karin Conroy - 3.66 1 - 1
Lori Ripa - 3.70 & Xue Chong - 3.72 1 - 0
Joanne Schwope - 3.58 & Lynne Corson - 3.68 0 - 1
Joanne Schwope - 3.58 & Karin Conroy - 3.66 1 - 0
Lynne Corson - 3.68 & Karin Conroy - 3.66 0 - 1
Kathryn Soderberg - 3.61 & Xue Chong - 3.72 1 - 0
Kathryn Soderberg - 3.61 0 - 3
Sayre Malone - 3.42 & Kristen Caseley - 3.66 1 - 0
Kristen Caseley - 3.66 & Cindy Driscoll - 3.66 1 - 0
Kristen Caseley - 3.66 0 - 1
Cindy Driscoll - 3.66 & Xue Chong - 3.72 0 - 1
Cindy Driscoll - 3.66 0 - 1
Xue Chong - 3.72 3 - 3
Catherine Sherman - 3.72 & Julie Salaun - 3.81 0 - 1
Catherine Sherman - 3.72 & Lori Ripa - 3.70 2 - 0
Catherine Sherman - 3.72 & Joanne Schwope - 3.58 1 - 1 1 - 0
Catherine Sherman - 3.72 & Karin Conroy - 3.66 0 - 1
League Record: 8 - 1
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Kelly McDevitt - 3.90
Jacqueline Bryan - 3.88
Susan Johnson - 3.74
Hilda Parrott - 3.73
Amy Hafey - 3.73
Allison Bitter - 3.63
Jeannine Zeller - 3.58
Christie Scott - 3.54
Trisha Gray - 3.53
Nancy Pound - 3.47
Claire Spollen - n/a
League Results By Position
1S 1D 2D 3D
Trisha Gray - 3.53 & Nancy Pound - 3.47 1 - 1
Trisha Gray - 3.53 & Christie Scott - 3.54 0 - 2
Trisha Gray - 3.53 & Claire Spollen - n/a 1 - 0
Nancy Pound - 3.47 & Jeannine Zeller - 3.58 0 - 1
Nancy Pound - 3.47 & Christie Scott - 3.54 0 - 1
Jeannine Zeller - 3.58 & Allison Bitter - 3.63 2 - 2 2 - 2
Jeannine Zeller - 3.58 & Jacqueline Bryan - 3.88 1 - 0
Amy Hafey - 3.73 & Jacqueline Bryan - 3.88 1 - 0
Amy Hafey - 3.73 2 - 1
Allison Bitter - 3.63 & Christie Scott - 3.54 1 - 0
Jacqueline Bryan - 3.88 & Christie Scott - 3.54 0 - 1
Jacqueline Bryan - 3.88 8 - 0
Christie Scott - 3.54 0 - 1
Hilda Parrott - 3.73 & Trisha Gray - 3.53 1 - 0
Hilda Parrott - 3.73 & Nancy Pound - 3.47 1 - 0
Hilda Parrott - 3.73 & Susan Johnson - 3.74 4 - 0
Kelly McDevitt - 3.90 & Amy Hafey - 3.73 4 - 2 2 - 0
Kelly McDevitt - 3.90 & Susan Johnson - 3.74 1 - 0
Susan Johnson - 3.74 & Trisha Gray - 3.53 1 - 0
Susan Johnson - 3.74 & Jeannine Zeller - 3.58 0 - 1
League Record: 2 - 4
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Julie Kirklin - 3.99
Merrill Barnes - 3.92
Jessica Morris - 3.76
Judy Veilleux - 3.73
Gretchen Lord - 3.68
Kerrin Mazzola - 3.65
Amy Booth - 3.62
Julie Taub - 3.58
Maridol Allen - 3.57
Melissa Lawless - 3.55
Jana Suozzo - 3.54
Sue Kunkel - 3.50
Jillian Zeeben - 3.48
Melissa Eichmann - 3.47
Marcelle Murray - 3.43
Leah Neal - 3.43
Kellie Wardman - n/a
League Results By Position
1S 1D 2D 3D
Julie Kirklin - 3.99 & Melissa Eichmann - 3.47 0 - 1
Julie Kirklin - 3.99 & Merrill Barnes - 3.92 2 - 0
Julie Kirklin - 3.99 & Jillian Zeeben - 3.48 0 - 1
Julie Kirklin - 3.99 & Kerrin Mazzola - 3.65 1 - 0
Julie Taub - 3.58 & Maridol Allen - 3.57 1 - 0
Julie Taub - 3.58 & Amy Booth - 3.62 0 - 2
Julie Taub - 3.58 & Jillian Zeeben - 3.48 1 - 2
Maridol Allen - 3.57 & Jana Suozzo - 3.54 0 - 1
Maridol Allen - 3.57 & Leah Neal - 3.43 0 - 1
Maridol Allen - 3.57 & Gretchen Lord - 3.68 1 - 1 1 - 0
Amy Booth - 3.62 & Kerrin Mazzola - 3.65 0 - 1
Kellie Wardman - n/a & Melissa Eichmann - 3.47 0 - 1
Marcelle Murray - 3.43 1 - 0
Melissa Eichmann - 3.47 & Merrill Barnes - 3.92 0 - 1
Melissa Eichmann - 3.47 & Jillian Zeeben - 3.48 0 - 1
Melissa Eichmann - 3.47 & Kerrin Mazzola - 3.65 0 - 1
Merrill Barnes - 3.92 & Kerrin Mazzola - 3.65 3 - 1
Jillian Zeeben - 3.48 & Gretchen Lord - 3.68 0 - 1
Jessica Morris - 3.76 & Gretchen Lord - 3.68 1 - 0
Jessica Morris - 3.76 2 - 3
Gretchen Lord - 3.68 2 - 0
Melissa Lawless - 3.55 1 - 1
Sue Kunkel - 3.50 & Leah Neal - 3.43 0 - 2
Sue Kunkel - 3.50 & Judy Veilleux - 3.73 1 - 0 2 - 1
Judy Veilleux - 3.73 & Jana Suozzo - 3.54 1 - 0
Judy Veilleux - 3.73 & Leah Neal - 3.43 0 - 1
Judy Veilleux - 3.73 & Jessica Morris - 3.76 1 - 0
League Record: 0 - 9
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Deborah Panzica - 3.84
Laura Joslin-King - 3.70
Bronwyn Murphy - 3.63
Rebecca Killinger - 3.60
Kristen Lidbeck - 3.57
Kirsten Ininger - 3.57
Karinne Heise - 3.55
Alisa Atkins - 3.54
Heidi Saghir - 3.48
Elizabeth Kelly - 3.48
Lisa Eberhart - 3.47
Kathy Thomas - 3.47
Aimee Ayers - 3.47
Dalia Paradie - 3.39
Michelle Gould - 3.36
Kimberly Valeri - 3.35
Karen Padgett - 3.33
Thi Smith - 3.28
Heidi Waite - 3.26
Cathy Scharpf - 3.26
League Results By Position
1S 1D 2D 3D
Deborah Panzica - 3.84 & Laura Joslin-King - 3.70 2 - 0
Dalia Paradie - 3.39 0 - 1
Bronwyn Murphy - 3.63 1 - 1
Michelle Gould - 3.36 & Heidi Waite - 3.26 0 - 2
Michelle Gould - 3.36 & Lisa Eberhart - 3.47 1 - 0
Michelle Gould - 3.36 0 - 1
Elizabeth Kelly - 3.48 & Heidi Saghir - 3.48 1 - 0
Alisa Atkins - 3.54 1 - 1
Kimberly Valeri - 3.35 & Cathy Scharpf - 3.26 0 - 1
Thi Smith - 3.28 & Lisa Eberhart - 3.47 0 - 2
Thi Smith - 3.28 0 - 1
Aimee Ayers - 3.47 0 - 3
Laura Joslin-King - 3.70 & Bronwyn Murphy - 3.63 1 - 2
Laura Joslin-King - 3.70 & Karinne Heise - 3.55 0 - 1
Laura Joslin-King - 3.70 & Kirsten Ininger - 3.57 1 - 1
Laura Joslin-King - 3.70 & Karen Padgett - 3.33 0 - 2
Kathy Thomas - 3.47 & Kristen Lidbeck - 3.57 0 - 1
Kathy Thomas - 3.47 & Karen Padgett - 3.33 0 - 2
Rebecca Killinger - 3.60 & Bronwyn Murphy - 3.63 0 - 1
Rebecca Killinger - 3.60 & Heidi Waite - 3.26 0 - 1
Rebecca Killinger - 3.60 & Thi Smith - 3.28 0 - 1
Rebecca Killinger - 3.60 & Lisa Eberhart - 3.47 0 - 1
Rebecca Killinger - 3.60 & Karinne Heise - 3.55 0 - 2 1 - 0
Rebecca Killinger - 3.60 1 - 0
Kristen Lidbeck - 3.57 & Elizabeth Kelly - 3.48 0 - 1
Kristen Lidbeck - 3.57 & Heidi Waite - 3.26 0 - 1 0 - 1
Kristen Lidbeck - 3.57 & Karen Padgett - 3.33 1 - 0
Kirsten Ininger - 3.57 & Bronwyn Murphy - 3.63 0 - 1
Kirsten Ininger - 3.57 & Karen Padgett - 3.33 0 - 1
Karen Padgett - 3.33 & Bronwyn Murphy - 3.63 0 - 1
Karen Padgett - 3.33 & Karinne Heise - 3.55 0 - 1 0 - 1